
Preparing for Class

  Before taking a Reiki class or other energy training, it can helpful to spend time the week before in preparation.  This 'sets the stage' for receiving and integrating the energy and teachings.  A favorite reference, The Reiki Sourcebook notes, 'Reiki re-aligns one with one's true path, source and spirit.'   What we do before and after the class and attunements facilitates that realignment!  We can also Deepen with Reiki at any time, on our own or with other practioners.  Some of my favorite experiences have been sharing time with others attuned to Reiki during 'chance' meetings or more formal Reiki shares.  Preparation: It's ideal to receive a Reiki session the week prior to initiation. Eat consciously - whole local foods when possible Drink extra water, rest as needed Limit use of alcohol, coffee, any drugs (take your usual prescriptions!) Note synchronicities, dreams, and insights Incorporate some gentle, energy enhancing movement If you meditate,

Making cards

 Last week, we made small ATC (artist trading cards) with one of the other moderators in our Red Thread Circle. Making small cards for affirmation, to-dos, setting intention, or prayer flags is one of my favorite small projects.  In many traditions, flags of paper or cloth are hung to send prayers, praise and blessings on the wind. We recently used strips of fabric and sharpies in our church courtyard, for our monthly farmers market booth, and participants tied their prayers on clotheslines hung between the trees.  Chakra flags - Batik fabric I invite students to make prayer flags for the Reiki Principles in our First Degree classes. These remind us of these precepts, we can choose one to work with for a day or week, or recite them ... This is a simple way to bring the principles to life, and deepen with Reiki.  Flags on brown paper bag I used the cards begun in last week's Circle for the Japanese words, and pull them out for the morning and evening Hatsurei-Ho meditation (Reiki S

Reiki Precepts

 When I took my first Reiki class in the fall of 1989, my teacher Annalise taught us the 5 Reiki Principles or precepts, and invited us to work with them as we 'cleared the pipes' for Reiki to flow, and practices being more present. Neurographic doodle on 'Presence' As I began teaching several years later, I was surprised when students from other Masters told me they hadn't realized the Principles were 'really' part of Reiki! (Just something their teacher added) a precept is, 'a general rule which helps you decide how to behave in particular circumstances' - offering a moral compass.  Reiki Principles - my Reiki journal More of Reiki's origins became known in the West after the discovery of founder Usui's memorial stone in 1994. Translated, part of the inscription reads, 'Thus, before the teachings, the 'Ikun' (admonition) of the Meiji Emperor should reverently be told and the Five Precepts (gokai) be chanted and kept in mind morn

Reiki shares

 In the late 80s when I was first attuned to Reiki, the classes I took were small, and the exchanges were one-on one. At Breitenbush, I experienced group sessions at our PNW Reiki gatherings, and in my classes, but only occasionally with visiting Masters. Stones from Reiki Mastery Students When I moved to the Oregon coast in the fall of 1994, I began offering Reiki classes and Initiations for the community.   Shortly after arriving in Neskoin, I met Anita, who had taken Reiki 1 & 2 before moving to Oregon. Anita knew she   wanted  "Personal Mastery,"  and thought Reiki might be the vessel she sought. Was I willing to take her as a student? ... Yes!   Dance of energy Anita loved Reiki circles, and offered to host and help facilitate shares or Circles for our community! We offered several classes together, and Anita taught our group a lot about holding space, from her ex periences with Reiki, and at the Findhorn community in Scotland. On one of our Global Reiki Webinar call

Setting space

  Recently, I binge watched sessions with Simple Shui maven  Amanda Gibby Peters , and love her simple tips for incorporating Feng Shui into our daily lives! I've long been interested in Feng Shui, had a consultation for my treatment room, and have taken several mini workshops. Sanctuary First and foremost for harmonizing energy is editing our space (i.e. clearing clutter!) to reflect current interests and activities.  The longer we occupy a space, the more we can accumulate - clutter clearing isn't a 'once and done' activity, but something to be incorporated into our daily/ weekly tasks!  One of Amanda's Simple Shui tips is to use salt for an,  "everyday, any situation cleanse.  You simply leave a small bowl of (sea or Himalayan) salt out for 24 hours. At 24 hours, dispose of it outside in the dirt or trash - whatever makes the most sense for you. You will feel brighter and lighter immediately."  As I'm currently in process of preparing my home for sa

After your Session

 Sometimes a Reiki season will bring up emotions for clearing - I recall my teacher Alalyse inviting us to observe them, and not get swept up by them. Years ago, another friend found she'd often feel open and vulnerable after some sessions - if you expropriation this, consider adding some practices for integration.  Spiral of life After the session When ready, open your eyes and notice three things in the room. Ground yourself, and imagine mama Gaia welcoming any released energy as compost.  Place one hand on the top of your head and the other on your belly.  Imagine your energies being 'sealed up' as you prepare to leave the healing space.  Sweep your hands from just above your head, over the back of your neck, down your sides, and flick your fingers, imagining anything extra being released into the earth. Repeat at least three times. Bless and drink a glass of water, inviting the energy to integrate into your body, and anything released to leave your field.  Perhaps go ou

EFT Points

As I've mentioned before ,  EFT Tapping compliments Reiki wonderfully. This morning I joined a practice session with gals in the UK and Mosambique, and tapped around frustration and self worth. One participate 'volunteered' issues she was struggling with, and tapped with the host. The rest had our mics on mute, and tapped along.  As is common when I join a group session, I felt connected and more relaxed afterwards.  And everyone benefits by tapping on our own version of the issue presented.  In a recent newsletter, my friend and local EFT Practitioner Karen Aquinas offered a teaching that  Nick Ortner of The Tapping Solution recently shared - information he compiled on the topic of the Tapping points, and why we use each one.   Cucuzzi gourd flower I thought you might also find these helpful. Karate Chop  (Small Intestine Meridian) * Releases feeling stuck and promotes ease in moving forward, letting go, healing from grief, and the ability to be happy in the present momen